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Horizon Europe: a new research and innovation programme

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 12.12.2018, 10:23 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 7159x gelesen

Rome [ENA] Horizon Europe is an impressive €100 billion research and innovation programme of the European Commission that will succeed Horizon 2020. The proposal of the programme was made as part of the EU's scheme for the next EU long-term budget, the multiannual financial framework (MFF). Investing in research and innovation is more and more crucial because it means investing in Europe’s future.

Global competition and the preservation of the European unique social model are among the purposes of Horizon Europe. Horizon 2020 aims at improving the daily lives of millions of people in Europe and around the world, helping to solve some of the biggest societal challenges. Strengthening EU science and technology thanks to increased investment in highly skilled people and brand-new research it’s more and more vital for EU’s industrial competiveness. Research on the economic and social contribution of the cultural and creative sectors ought to be included in the future aims of the European Union,including the development of statistics and support to the restoration, preservation and management of tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

EU’s industrial competiveness and its innovation performance should be boosted, particularly supporting market-creating innovation via the European Innovation Council and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. The ever more widespread use of digital technologies increases opportunities for individuals and businesses, but also increases their vulnerability. The amount of sensitive information constantly exchanged on the web expose the organizations to new threats. Among these, the abuse of personal data, the violation of security and secret information of institutions and companies, and of structures that maintain sensitive data, such as hospitals, and universities.

The Commission proposed a budget of €100 billion for 2021-2027 for Horizon Europe and the Euratom Research and Training Programme and Horizon Europe is projected as the most largescale research and innovation funding programme ever. It will continue to drive Europe’s scientific advantage through the European Research Council and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships and exchanges and bring into play the scientific advice, technical support and dedicated research of the Joint Research Centre (JRC). This programme will combine a new level of ambition and boost the scientific, economic and societal impact of EU funding.

A cultural change is necessary to understand and manage both risks and opportunities related to technological innovation and the Internet, especially in SMEs to increase their ability to innovate and compete on the global market. In this case incremental and breakthrough innovations using different technologies (e.g. converging technologies, artificial intelligence, data analytics, industrial robotics, sustainable bio-manufacturing, advanced batteries technologies) across the value chain are vital, too. EU’s strategic priorities, such as the Paris Agreement on climate change, must tackle global challenges that affect the quality of daily lives.

In this scenario, the reviewing of no longer competitive industrial sites and the application of programmes for revitalization and reconversion with new innovative technologies it’s crucial. Shifting away rapidly from fossil fuels in the supply of energy for heating and cooling industry, building and services through renewable energy technologies is the solution. An answer to the problem should be the introduction of actions directed at increasing the quantity and quality of separate collection of waste, such as eco-design programs for improving products recyclability and the development of innovative municipal recycling schemes.

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